Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jet Lagged!

I have been home from Europe for 5 days now and I am guessing I have a few more days to deal with jet lag.  I forget how crazy it can be.  We went to Israel in 2012. I had to go back to school the next day and was so tired when I got back home that evening that I slept well and got back on a schedulethat day.  This isn't the case.  I am off for a few more days and I don't have anything to do before 10am so...I am still adjusting.  I am enjoying these last few days of summer and I am so thankful I have them.  The house is clean, laundry is done and some meals are ready to be prepared.  School is coming so ready or not, here I come! 
I restarted this blog because I wanted to be able to chronicle the things I am learning as I am in this period of waiting.  I am learning.  I am not sure how to share it though, a lot of it is between me and the Lord. I pray that as I post, my attitude becomes one of grace and mercy.That I give all of the glory to HIM and HIM alone.  I have learned not to suppose and that His ways are way higher than mine.  I have no idea what God is doing just that He is working.  I get to see what He is doing and then make decisions about my life based on what I see Him doing.  For instance, I know that my school is my mission field. Not just my ministry with my kids but with the ladies I work with.  I can choose to gripe, complain or whine. Or... I can be that positive person in the room.  I can "work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men." Colossians 3:23  I am a people pleaser and that, more often than not, has failed me.  I am going into a  new year of reflection.  I have been out of college for 20 years.  I am not where I thought I'd be but oh am I in a good place.  God has a plan, I don't know His plan but I can follow Him.  That is where my faith steps in. However, the faith that I have doesn't come from me, even that faith is from God.  I am waiting and praying for the right child at the right time.  I am expectanly awaiting his or her or their arrival.  I will wait, I will trust, I will stand firm, I will pray.

His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient for me.

I. Can't. Even.

I love it when my sister friends use periods in between words like Best. Meal. EVER!  or I. Hate. Facebook.  It means we are serious and since it is via text that they type this it helps get the point across.  Anyway, I have an update but, not.  I have submitted my home study 3 more times since the last time I wrote and am now waiting to hear about a boy or a sibling group.  I was encouraged and discouraged with the last news but since it came while I was on a bus with my friends it was received so much better than had I been here, home and alone.  So I will wait.  God is keeping me on my knees and seeking Him.  I am in such a better place than I was during the "dog days" of summer.  I am headed back to school in 2 weeks.  God knows that.  I wonder what His plan is.  I can't even begin to figure it out so I am not going to. He has a plan, his pan is perfect.  I am going to wait for Him.  So much has gone on and I cannot wait to share.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Grace Required

Here is an update on Baby Sanders.  I do not have a child yet.  I have submitted my home study for 2 little girls and the answer was no for the 1st one and I will hopefully hear about the 2nd one this week.  I am fully expecting a NO about her too, if it is anything else I will be surprised. I was so discouraged 2 weeks ago when I heard it was a no for the 2 month old.  I was angry, hurt and down right ticked.  I cried and then shopped.  I heard from my family and friends that the right child will come at the right time. In my head I know that, it is different telling my heart.  I am ok now and I have determined that God in deed has a perfect plan.  I was reading about Lazarus in our study this week and Jesus knows all about perfect timing.  He knew Lazarus was sick and dying.  He knew when he died too.  Jesus didn't get there until 4 days after he died. Jesus wept in that passage.  I have heard different reasons as to why Jesus wept.  But He did.  Jesus also did something in the lives of the people around Lazarus.  Had he been there when he died or before he died they would have seen a miracle that they were expecting.  BUT, Jesus came when the absolute impossible needed to be done.  He raised a dead man, a man that was DEAD,  Lazarus, was alive.  I am waiting for God to do the impossible.  I cannot wait to see what he does and tell others about it!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Experiencing GOD

My last post wasn't posted but it was is part of what I wrote: "...That's a consequence for disobedience.  I am learning so much during this trial.  I am learning to trust God, to make wise decisions and to do the right thing.  The thing was things were going okay.  So I kinda am not surprised at the fiery ordeal around me, But God knows all of this.  I am going to enjoy the summer instead of being worried.  It is only July 1st.  Time for getting out of my pity party.  I went to a viewing today for a former principal.  She was good but made some bad decisions.  I wasn't looking forward to seeing old people  and co workers but it was good.  I have come a long way.  Thank you God!   Yep, I am learning a lot this summer. The summer of non-busyness!  I know God is working.  I don't know what He is going to do other than test my obedience, but he is faithful.  I am in a pit and will come out! Hopefully a smarter and wiser person who is more obedient and closer to Him."

Just a few short days later, I am closer to Him and I am learning so much.  I have been needing to write for a few days and have no idea how to start but I know He is faithful.  He has used our Experiencing God Study to show me almost daily that He has a plan, He is in control and He is GOD.  I have been in a holding pattern this summer and it has been very public.  I sometimes wonder if I am wrong sharing too much but again I need people to pray.  Real pray-ers.  As I prepare for a child I know that it will not be an easy road. I know that choosing to be a single mom is a different way to do things.  I also know that this is something that I need to do, something I am called to do.
God has shown me He is here.  One thing I was so excited about is that I got a phone call from my agency on the last day of school.  I thought, "Oh wow this is perfect.  I'll get a child during the summer and then be able to go back to school as a mommy."  That was My Plan.   My plan. plan.  God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  As of now, today, His plan is for me to go to a PLC conference in San Antonio and to Eastern Europe.  So I'll go.  He wants me to see something, do something, learn something while I go, and maybe when I am there, He will use me to bring someone to Him. He is GOD.  He doesn't need me to do anything but He sure will use me if I am willing. Here I am, Use me Lord.  Get this, it is even possible that I still have so much to learn and I am not ready yet. So, there it is.  I pray daily for my child/children. I know God knows their name.  He knows which one I will be a parent to.  He has a plan.  I pray that one day as I share this with my child s/he will know how much I wanted them and how I waited for them.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

All in

I am still waiting to hear about a baby girl, but while I am waiting...I am submitting my home study for another baby girl. God knows and the right child will be in my home at the right time. I cannot wait to see what He is going to do. I had a walk with God this morning and it was very uncomfortable.  It was on the same route in the same clothes with the same doggie but this time it was uncomfortable.  I was supposed to talk to God and tell Him how much I love him and tell Him that I understand how much He loves me.  I did that but, there was a lot of tension.  I was the tension.  I want things my way and no matter what, I get in the way.   I was talking to my friend very late last night, very late.  I felt like I was still in college or even better high school.  Anyway, He was telling me that he just wanted God to give us what He wants us to do.  In my wisdom, I said God is our guide not our travel agent.  I told him all of these things that I had been learning and it wasn't until that very uncomfortable walk that God told me to walk before Him and be blameless.  I needed to pay attention to the advice I was giving because it was for me to listen to.  Now, after this uncomfortable walk, I have a peace that I haven't had in this process yet.  It is calm, it is God.  It is the peace knowing that I am not in control. The enemy wants me to believe that me having control is good.  It is not good.  God made the universe, he spoke the GREAT WHITE SHARK into existence. He knows how many hairs are on my head.  He knows Abraham, Elijah, Paul and even Tamar.  I am humbled, I am amazed.  I am in AWE of who He is.  This journey isn't for the faint at heart.  I thought I was.  Well actually,  I am but God is carrying me.  He is the sustainer of my joy and my peace.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry

I have been amazed by God's provision since I have decided to adopt.  I was able to get the minor repairs done to my house by a friend and paid for by someone anonymously.  Then some other friends came by to help hang things and install a few things needed to pass inspection.  I am amazed by the selflessness of my friends and it humbles me to know that people care.  I was reminded this past Monday that God has perfect timing and planning.  I have been given a pack and play and after that 2 friends have let me have/borrow/use a crib, car seat, changing table, boppy, bumbo seat, bassinet, and exer-saucer.  God has provided.  He also allowed me to get a phone call the last day of school.  He has perfect timing.  He allowed 3 people to speak truth into my life last Monday.  He knows what I need and when I need it.  The advice one of the women said to me was to take one day at a time.  So...I have.  I have been freed.  I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I can only do that with the help of the Lord.  I do not know if I am going to be chosen to be this little girl's mommy.  I do know that I will wait for God with Grace. I will also point to Him as He answers.  Whether it be this sweet baby or another one.  He will get all of the Glory.  He has a plan and He will guide me as I go day by day. My Help Cometh From the LORD.
He is the SOURCE of my Strength, He is the STRENGTH of my life.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Court Date

Baby Girl has a court day today.  Praying for God's will. I don't know anything but do know that God is in control.  VBS also starts today praying for kids to come to know Jesus.