Sunday, April 26, 2009


So much going on. I wanted to update on the Easter Dinner. The Brisket was divine. We are making it again for my dad because he was recovering from a bout with food poisoning on Easter and only ate a bite. His wife is out of town for a while and we will cook for him a few times. I am going to be 37 in a few days....SCARY!!!! I will update more later. Hold on here we go. The end of the year is close.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chef Jen

Chef Jen strikes again. Heather and I are preparing for Easter Sunday dinner at our place. For Easter we are having BRISKET, BABY , mashed potatoes, cabbage, fresh green beans, Tortellini Salad and my mom's Old Fashioned Cream Pie. All of which smell delicious in the pre preparation. I will post how everything turns out.

On another note, I am have been thinking about the sacrifice that Christ made for me. I am in awe of Who He is and how much He loves me. I am Amazed at His love for me. Thank you Jesus. I love you for loving me, for dying for my sin and raising to life so I can have eternal life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Sister. is the story. Please Pray. She is sad. I am sad for her. What do I do? No advice needed just venting.