Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SITG (Still in the Game) just a different game!!

Sooo. God has closed some doors and allowed me to have some time to rest. By rest I mean that I am only busy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays now. I can take time to exercise and spend time with the Lord. Oh yeah and work on my job. I was hoping to begin grad school online at Liberty this week and thus begin my M.A.R. (Master's of Arts in Religion). However, some doors have closed and I am going another direction. Here's the kicker, I am not sure what I am to do next. I am going to do my job heartily as for the Lord and take care of myself. I am not sure what is on the horizon but, God is.
Pray for me because I get anxious when things change for "no reason." But I also know that "God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and love and sound judgment." 2 Timothy 1:7
"He is in control and I am not, and if I am in control, He is not." Scott P.

Stay Tuned...

Monday, August 2, 2010

GBITG! (Get back in the game)

It is August 3rd and this is my last week of blissful rest. As of Monday I will be "getting back in the game." The game is changing this year and I pray I am ready. I have had a lot of change in the past years and this one is no different. I am ready though because I have spent time with the Father. He has shown me that He is Sovereign, He is my sufficiency and He is my Master.
Here is what I learned during the "time out" of summer:
I began this summer teaching summer school and I had to figure out new ways to reach the kids. I had a class of 10 some of which were bilingual, and most of which were Special Ed and then there were the few that were both. I learned to make sure all of them had their individual needs met as well as what to look for in my own children in class this year. They each deserve the same chance and I can be their advocate in anyway I can. I also learned that I am to be there for my co-workers. Many of the teachers that I came into contact with were LOST. They did not desire the Lord nor did they realize their need for Him. One day as clear as a bell I heard The Father say. "You are to be in the classroom until I remove you. Here is mission field." I love it when He speaks to me clearly like that.
I also learned that He is not only the Sovereign God, He is my sufficiency. You would have thought I would have learned that based on the name of my blog but ohh how God uses others things to teach me more about Him. I went to the Canary Islands again and I love that place. It could be because of the kids, or the people I traveled with or the beauty of the island. No matter what God uses that place to speak to me. Hence the reason I know Him as my El Shaddai (my sufficiency). I have come to a place that I know He is enough and His grace is enough. I still desire to be married and have children but only when He chooses that for me.
Before I left for the Canary Islands I got very sick. I wasn't able to keep anything down and actually thought my appendix was rupturing. There was another instance where God made me rely on Him. After visiting the doctor and lots of medicine later. I was cleared to go on the trip and because of that last effort of the enemy to thwart God's plans, I knew I was to listen to what God had for me. All of that to say I am ready to get back in the game!!! I am ready to learn what God has for me and to be a blessing to others because I have been blessed.
I will probably write more because I am again on a journey. This time i desire to be more purposeful and intentional. I am excited to see what God will do.