Sunday, September 26, 2010


First update is about my Uncle Keith and Brad. The "wedding" was moved up several months to this month so my dilemma of not going to his wedding wasn't even an issue. I get to watch his doggy Ruby for the 2 weeks they are gone and will probably see pictures when they get back. Glad that I am not even going to have to make the decision about attending or lying about the reason I'm not going. He seemed happy so I just made sure I told them I loved them. Please pray for opportunities for me to show him the love of Jesus and how He is the only one that can satisfy us.
2nd update: I have been asked to help lead kids worship at church for about a month. I have been on praise teams before and I love serving in that area but now, because of different circumstances going on, I have been asked to help in that area as well. So, today was my 1st day and I had so much fun. I am still a bit nervous about singing in front of kids and adults but it is all for the Lord. I spent a lot of time preparing, praying and practicing but now that I know what it really involves I have to do so much more. God is so good and now He has shown me yet again how I need to depend on Him.
Update #3 I have been sick since July and after 2 months I finally feel so much better. I have had stomach issues and I firmly believe that God is my healer. I am so thankful for His healing touch. He is my Jehovah Rapha.

So, I guess this post is about How Great my God is. I love how the more I know about Him the more he shows me of himself. HOW GREAT IS MY GOD!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Closed Doors and Open Windows

I am a bit hard headed and God usually has to take drastic measures to get things through my head. Some doors have been closed today but some windows have opened. I had been praying for clarity and now I have it. Again! I love how God does things. I am blessed and I know it. God is amazing and what I am doing now is waiting for him to show me even more. I am an open book and God is writing my story. It feels good to let go of some things that I thought, I thought was what I wanted but God knows what I need and how dare I not take that. Anyway, another lesson learned and this time no money was spent. ;-) Thanks God.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Love OBU!

First of all God is so good to have allowed me to go to such an amazing university. I graduated from OBU in 1994 and because of my time there and the friends I made while there, I have been changed. I am not who I was because of OBU. It was because of people there that I am the teacher, leader, Christian and friend that I am today. High school was very hard for me because I was an introvert. I loved to talk but only when I was comfortable with the people once I got to know them. Then, I went to OBU. I was one of 200 freshmen, not one of 1000. I felt like I had a voice and I wasn't just a number.

You know, people say that the college years are the best years of your life. I agree and I am so glad that my experience was at OBU. As a freshman in Perrin West, not knowing anyone, I quickly made friends with Buffy Meador, April Works, Kaye Boone and Kristi Jackson. Life as I knew it would never be the same. We laughed, we cried, we watched Designing Women, and ate enough pizza to kill us. I remember running down the hall in Frances Crawford West 2 saying "is that my phone?" as we set our land lines outside our door because we had a super long cord. I had my 1st real boyfriend, and my first real heart break there. Then came my time as a Tri Chi. (I still use my XXX key-chain that I got while pledging as my mail key key-chain.) Such great memories. I love my university and I love the people that I met there. It is funny that we are not the Auburn, A&M, UT or even Razorbacks but because of OBU we have something in common. As a member of XXX (Tri-Chi) I learned what it meant to have a family away from my family. I met Angie Dodd, Nicol Bodenstein, Sara Fish, Michele Woodall, Sarah Smith, Lori Abbot, Chrissy Holmes, Amy Ables, Leigh Anne McKinney, Chariny Herring, and at least 30 other women each year. I was blessed but little did I know that these friendships that I made there at OBU would be the ones that would get me through some of my darkest days after life at OBU. Yes, God is good. I loved OBU and wouldn't change my experience for the world. I pray for OBU and the members of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body especially XXX! (Tri-Chi). I will always have a special place in my heart for the people of OBU in ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

God is not mysterious!

He has made know to us the mystery of His will. He said that if we follow Him, He will guide our paths. He is not a mystery. He is found if we seek Him. If we delight in Him, He will give us the desire of our hearts. He also says His ways are our ways. Of course they are not, He is GOD. I have been able to enjoy a lot of free time lately because God has allowed it. I am to use it though to spend time with Him. If I allow my time to be idle then the enemy is going to get a hold of my head and my thoughts and destroy me. I do not want that to happen. God's word says to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I am going to do so. I also wonder if I should take a Facebook break again too. I think there is one in my future. I usually have a ton of stuff going through my head and today I decided to hash some things out on here. So, sorry if this is a weird post. It's my blog I can do what I want. :-) Anyway, I feel a little better now. I am going to read a real book today and then reflect on God's word. What a novel idea. Happy Labor Day, is that appropriate to say? Oh well, enjoy the 3 day weekend.