Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jet Lagged!

I have been home from Europe for 5 days now and I am guessing I have a few more days to deal with jet lag.  I forget how crazy it can be.  We went to Israel in 2012. I had to go back to school the next day and was so tired when I got back home that evening that I slept well and got back on a schedulethat day.  This isn't the case.  I am off for a few more days and I don't have anything to do before 10am so...I am still adjusting.  I am enjoying these last few days of summer and I am so thankful I have them.  The house is clean, laundry is done and some meals are ready to be prepared.  School is coming so ready or not, here I come! 
I restarted this blog because I wanted to be able to chronicle the things I am learning as I am in this period of waiting.  I am learning.  I am not sure how to share it though, a lot of it is between me and the Lord. I pray that as I post, my attitude becomes one of grace and mercy.That I give all of the glory to HIM and HIM alone.  I have learned not to suppose and that His ways are way higher than mine.  I have no idea what God is doing just that He is working.  I get to see what He is doing and then make decisions about my life based on what I see Him doing.  For instance, I know that my school is my mission field. Not just my ministry with my kids but with the ladies I work with.  I can choose to gripe, complain or whine. Or... I can be that positive person in the room.  I can "work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men." Colossians 3:23  I am a people pleaser and that, more often than not, has failed me.  I am going into a  new year of reflection.  I have been out of college for 20 years.  I am not where I thought I'd be but oh am I in a good place.  God has a plan, I don't know His plan but I can follow Him.  That is where my faith steps in. However, the faith that I have doesn't come from me, even that faith is from God.  I am waiting and praying for the right child at the right time.  I am expectanly awaiting his or her or their arrival.  I will wait, I will trust, I will stand firm, I will pray.

His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient for me.

I. Can't. Even.

I love it when my sister friends use periods in between words like Best. Meal. EVER!  or I. Hate. Facebook.  It means we are serious and since it is via text that they type this it helps get the point across.  Anyway, I have an update but, not.  I have submitted my home study 3 more times since the last time I wrote and am now waiting to hear about a boy or a sibling group.  I was encouraged and discouraged with the last news but since it came while I was on a bus with my friends it was received so much better than had I been here, home and alone.  So I will wait.  God is keeping me on my knees and seeking Him.  I am in such a better place than I was during the "dog days" of summer.  I am headed back to school in 2 weeks.  God knows that.  I wonder what His plan is.  I can't even begin to figure it out so I am not going to. He has a plan, his pan is perfect.  I am going to wait for Him.  So much has gone on and I cannot wait to share.