Tuesday, May 13, 2014


This year was the 9th Mother's Day since my mom died.  I am usually okay until some sweet person walks up to me and tells me they are praying for me or thinking about me on this day.  I am also usually okay until someone prays for "those that have lost children or their moms." Then... I lose it and it us an ugly cry.  My eyes get blood shot and my makeup does not hold up well. Dang it Mom, why did you leave us?
The only thing that made this mother's day bearable was that I got to wish my sister Happy Mother's Day! She is the step-mom of a 16 year old girl and this sweet girl is exactly what Heather needed.

So Happy Momma's Day to all of the mom's out there. You have an unbelievable job and I cannot wait to join the ranks.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Hey....It's been a while!

Long time, No see!  I am going to start again.  I figured this and exercise will keep my mind occupied.
I think this may last longer than the exercise because it is getting hot here in H-Town again.

It has been about 2 years since I last wrote. A lot has happened since then and all is well now. In a quick list here it goes: low hemoglobin, blood transfusion, joined dating sites, met a boy, turned 40, had a party, went to Israel, Went to Spain, broke up with boy, had major surgery, 2nd transfusion, and now teaching 4th grade! Oh yeah and because of my "dating site" adventure. My sister also met a boy and now she is married and a step mom. That is the last 2 years in a nutshell. I began a new adventure am teaching 4th grade. I have taught 1st grade for 19 years and now after a tough year with 2 co-workers, I am moving up! I have, what I am calling,  "The Dream Job." I am teaching 4th grade Science and Social Studies only. And now.... this amazing whirlwind of a school year is almost over,  it is MAY 2014 and I am 42!!!
What the HECK??????
The best part of this is this isn't the reason I am blogging again....MORE TO COME!!!!